
Papi & mami

Estas fueron las tarjetas del día del padre y de la madre de este año. La de mami la hice con papel pintado a mano y recortado para las rosas, y para las hojas usé sellos que hice con foami (goma eva).

These were the cards for this year's mother's and father's day. I made mom's card by painting paper and cutting it to make the rose, and the leaves were made with handmade foam stamps.

2 comentarios:

Dragana Savkov - Bajić dijo...

These are so great! I suppose your parents were very happy and proud of you! Above my desk I put everything my 7 years old boy made for me (like the smiled heart with a hat and wings...) These things make me smile...

Emily dijo...

oh! These are so delicate!